
Architecture - Design - Art

Progetto Palazzina 2F

In this project, I seem to be approaching modernist trends where the shape of the volume is meant to represent its content, its meaning. In fact, the large balconies impose themselves like sails, with photovoltaic panels on one side and peperino stone on the other. The volumetry is certainly an element that strongly defines the project, but it is not enough. In fact, if we were to neglect everything else in favor of it, we would achieve the same disappointing results as architects over the past 60 years—namely, a building where the dreariness of concrete stands out, akin to the worst examples of Brutalism, and people would do nothing but alienate themselves in yet another architectural aberration. To highlight and enhance that form, we need elements we might call accessories, which in reality are not accessories at all. They are not, because they are what help us understand the content; they are the link between us and the space of that building.

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